“The work will continue, you see, whether I am there or not, because it is God’s work, not mine.”


A Worldwide Groundswell of Devotion

Father Flanagan has devotees directly associated with his Cause in at least 20 countries that the Flanagan League is in contact with and able to track. His following on FaceBook of more than 40,000 people worldwide is growing every day, and more than 1 million people have viewed our posts. Countries include: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Malta, Phillipines, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, United Kingdom, United States, and Zambia.

We have over 20 alleged miracles reported to the League from 4 different countries.

Since 1999 the Father Flanagan League Society of Devotion has distributed more than 100,000 prayer cards throughout the world, and hosted more than 3500 people on pilgrimages at Boys Town, Nebraska, USA. The League has given additional outreach presentations for more than 2000 people.

Prayer groups have formed throughout the world, but perhaps no country outside the United States is more devoted to Father Flanagan, than the people and prayer groups in Ireland

Ballymoe Prayer Group

The Fr. Flanagan Prayer Group, Ballymoe, was founded on 13th July, 2001 on the birthday of Fr. Flanagan. They meet every First Friday of the month after evening mass. This prayer group developed out of a growing relationship between Ballymoe and Boys Town Alumni which culminated in them becoming twin towns of each other on October 5, 2002.

As this relationship grew there was a strong sense that Fr. Flanagan who was the person that bonded them together was a man of holiness who had given great witness of God’s love and care for young people.

Therefore the Boys Town Alumni proposed as well to set a prayer group to promote the cause of Fr. Flanagan towards sainthood which was organized in August 2001. They meet at the tomb of Fr Flanagan in the Dowd Chapel in Boys Town, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A. on a regular basis to pray for Fr. Flanagan’s cause, and other intentions.

These prayer groups promote literature on the life of Fr Flanagan, and also distribute Fr Flanagan prayer cards which encourage special prayers invoking God to further Fr. Flanagan’s cause.

The prayer meeting format includes prayers from Fr. Flanagan, excerpts from Fr. Flanagan’s writings, and prayers to promote his cause. Scripture passages and prayers of the faithful can be added too if those involved so wish.

The prayer meetings take place usually at an appropriate place like a church meeting room, or a prayer room, and at a time that suits its members at least once a month.

Ballymoe Fr. Flanagan Prayer Group

St. Croan’s Presbytery
Ballymoe, Co. Galway, Ireland
Telephone: 09496 55226


Sligo Prayer Group

The Fr. Flanagan Prayer Group, St Mary’s Parish, Sligo was founded on Tuesday 11th May, 2004. They meet every Second Tuesday of the month at 8pm in St Mary’s Presbytery, Sligo.

This prayer group was formed out of a strong sense that Fr. Flanagan was a man of holiness who had given great witness of God’s love and care for young people, and also developed out of a growing awareness of the relationship between Fr. Edward Joseph Flanagan and Summerhill College, Sligo particularly considering that he received his secondary school education there from 1901-1904.

The purpose of this new prayer group is to pray for the opening of the cause of Fr. Flanagan of Boys Town towards sainthood and to promote it in conjunction with the Boys Town Alumni U.S.A. These prayer groups promote literature on the life of Fr Flanagan, and also distributes Fr. Flanagan prayer cards which are special prayers designed to encourage people to pray for Fr Flanagan’s cause.

The prayer meeting format includes prayers from Fr. Flanagan, excerpts from Fr. Flanagan’s writings, and prayers to promote his cause. Scripture passages and prayers of the faithful can be added too if those involved so wish. The prayer meetings take place usually at an appropriate place like a church meeting room, or a prayer room, and at a time that suits its members at least once a month. It is also important to receive permission from the local bishop and clergy before going ahead with new prayer groups. If you would like to start a new Fr Flanagan prayer group in your parish please read the following information on who to get in contact with.

Father Flanagan Sligo Committee

St. Mary’s Presbytery
Temple Street, Sligo City, Republic of Ireland
Telephone: 071 9162670


Boyle Prayer Group

The Boyle Fr Flanagan Prayer Group was founded in May 2009. It meets in St Joseph’s Presbytery, Boyle, on every First Friday evening at 8pm. The group is committed to praying for the opening of the cause of Fr Flanagan, and participates in the aims and activities of the other irish prayer groups, and is conscious of its connections with the U.S. prayer groups also.

The recent gathering of the Fr. Flanagan Prayer Groups of Sligo, Boyle and Ballymoe took place in Galilee Community outside Boyle on Sunday 25th September 2011 from 2 to 6pm.

Pictured: Front Row: Left to Right Rev. Dr. Tomas Surlis, Day of prayer Facilitator, Rev. Alan Conway, Vice President, Fr. Flanagan League, and Mr Steve Wolf, President, Fr. Flanagan League, USA

Rev. Dr. Tomas Surlis, President of St Nathys College kindly facilitated a lovely afternoon of prayer for all present during which he presented input on the presence of the Lord Jesus in the Community. All present enjoyed his informative and challenging talks which were deeply enriching to the faith life of all present.

The Boyle Fr Flanagan Prayer Group

St Joseph’s Presbytery, Boyle
Co. Roscommon, Republic of Ireland
Telephone: 071-9662012